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Emir Sulu-Gambari greets Pilgrims at Arafat, departs for Eid Prayer 9am tomorrow



The Emir of Ilorin and Chairman Kwara State Traditional Rulers Council, Mai-Martaba Alhaji (Dr) Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari CFR, has rejoiced with pilgrims across the world on the success of this year’s spiritual exercise on Mount Arafat in Saudi Arabia.

He specially commended contingents from Kwara State for their resilience and commitments to the commandments of Almighty Allah (SWT) and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by performing this year’s Hajj.

The Emir, in a statement issued by his spokesman, Mallam Abdulazeez Arowona, commiserated with the families of pilgrims who lost their lives in Saudi Arabia stressing that, “All their efforts and sacrifices will not go unrewarded by Allah. I pray that Allah grant them Al-janatul firdaos which is the highest place in the hereafter.”

The statement however disclosed that as Muslims prepare to perform Eid-el-Kabir festival tomorrow, Sunday, 16th June 2024, the Emir appealed to the people of Ilorin Emirate and beyond to celebrate with caution and desist from actions that are capable of truncating the peace and security of the state.

It reads: “His Royal Highness, Alhaji (Dr) Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari CFR shall depart his palace for the Ilorin Central Eid praying ground by 9am and the prayer shall be led by the Chief Imam of Ilorin, Dr. Muhammad Bashir Imam-Solih OON.

“Immediately after the arrival of His Royal Highness and the Governor of Kwara State, His Excellency Mallam AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq CON at the Eid ground, the two-rakat prayer shall commence in line with the dictates of Allah and His prophet. Worshipers are thereby enjoined to be punctual at the praying ground.”

The Emir therefore congratulates Muslims in Kwara State for witnessing yet another Eid-el-Kabir festival and wish them a successful celebrations and he wished all the pilgrims safe journey back home.

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