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Emir Ado-Bayero hoists flag of authority at Nasarawa palace



The 15th Emir of Kano, Alhaji Aminu Ado-Bayero, has hoisted official flag of authority at the Nassarawa mini palace amidst omgoing legal battle over the stool of Kano Emirate.

This flag symbolizes authority and the presence of an emir. It is typically raised every day at 6 am and taken down at 6 pm. The flag remains down when the emir is officially outside the palace or traveling.

Checks revealed that the judgement delivered by Justice Liman of the Federal High Court, recognises the Emirship of Aminu Ado-Bayero and faulted the process that led to the reinstatement of Malam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as tbe 16th Emir of kano.

“On Wednesday morning, preparations were made for the flag hoisting with the installation of an iron rod. The flag was brought later in the evening and raised by 6am on Thursday.

“Despite the ongoing conflict, both Aminu Ado Bayero and Muhammadu Sanusi II continue to occupy their respective palaces and perform all traditional and royal duties associated with the Kano Emirate throne”, a source revealed.

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